în drepturile tale
Redirecționează 3,5% către Fundația pentru SMURD.
De-a lungul timpului, fiecare proiect a fost posibil prin cu sprijinul echipei Fundației pentru SMURD, a partenerilor și a contribuției populației.
Ne propunem progrese importante în activitatea noastră viitoare și vrem ca drepturile să se transforme în faptele noastre!
Descoperă lista cu realizări și planuri de viitor
De viitor
Descarcă formularul 230
2016 CAMPAIGN – REDIRECT 2% for the Foundation for SMURD in order to sustain projects for the development of the SMURD activity
According to Romanian Tax Code, article 84, paragraph 2, any taxpayer can redirect 2% of his/hers income tax to any non-governmental organization (association, foundation etc.). Through this method, any Romanian can tell the state how he/she wants to spend a part of the income tax.
1: Download and print the form
Download the right form*, already filled in ** with the data of Foundation for SMURD.
For the income obtained
exclusively from salary
Download form 230
For the income obtained
from other sources, beside salary
Download form 200
*Fill in the personal data on just one of the two forms from above, depending on the situation you are in.
** The year filled-in the form is 2015, because the state takes into account the income tax for the financial year 2015
2: Fill-in by paying attention
For the income obtained exclusively from your salary
Fill-in the identification data (pt. I) and signature. The remaining entries are not required to be filled-in (to be filled only if applicable).
Read carefully the informative annex for detailed instructions for filling in the FORM 230.
Download the informative annexFor any other income beside the salary
FORM 200 must be filled-in at every chapter according to the obtained income. Read carefully the detailed instructions for filling-in the form.
Download the informative annex – Guide for filling-in
Informaţii importante:
If you do not know the amount that represents 2% of your income, you can leave blank the box because, according to Romanian law, the fiscal administration must calculate the amount.
3: Depuneți formularul
According to the law you may submit the form through several methods:
- Submit the form directly at the registry of the Public Finance Administration in your hometown, or
- Send it by Romanian Post-mail, by recommended letter, to Public Finance Administration in your hometown. You can also send the form to the Public Finance Administration where is located your employer (company/institution).
Public Finance Administration addresses can be found here: LINKS – CLICK HERE
*According to the law, the state also accepts an address from where the deponent lives, even if the address is different from the home address, but this applies only to residents in Romania.
Useful information
- If can you want to submit the form by mail, the opening hours for most postal offices is quite flexible: Mon-Fri 8AM – 7PM, while some are also opened on Saturdays between 8AM – 2PM. More details HERE.
- You can find here a MODEL FOR FILLING IN THE FORM 230!!!
Standard form
The standard blank form available on ANAF official page:
Form 230
Form 200Details for filling-in
Denumire entitate non-profit:
Cod de identificare fiscală a entității non-profit:
Cont bancar (IBAN):
RO 15 RNCB 0188 0848 0804 0001
Sending the form by Romanian Post-mail
If you would like to submit the form by Romanian Post-mail, the opening hours for most postal offices is quite flexible: Mon-Fri 8AM – 7PM, while some are also opened on Saturdays between 8AM – 2PM.
Here more details about the working hoursFilling-in model
For more details about the filling-in of the form, below is the model of filling-in the form 230.
Model_form_230Confidentiality and fiscal details
In accordance with the Romanian law (Emergency Ordinance no.92/2003, article 11, paragraph 4), the beneficiaries of the founds from 2% obtained by filling in forms 230 or 200 cannot obtain fiscal information showing the “identity of any natural or legal bodies”. In conclusion, if you would like, the taxpayers are the only ones who could ask for the information above. Also, if they prefer, taxpayers may communicate to the Foundation that they submitted these forms
Foundation for SMURD activity
For more information on the SMURD Foundation projects, consult finished projects sau projects in progress.
Additional details
“Together with you, during the 2015 campaign, the SMURD Foundation succeeded to collect the necessary funds to continue to support the interventions of SMURD and SMURD staff. The funds were used in several initiatives, such as: purchase of protective equipment, technical maintenance of SMURD aircraft, also purchased with the 2% campaign funds, support for humanitarian missions in cooperation with the General Inspectorate of Aviation, purchase of equipment for Emergency Situations Inspectorates, along with scholarships for SMURD young professionals for training and participation in different scientific meetings and courses.
We need your again! Support SMURD in its work to implement projects such as building of landing sites for the SMURD helicopter in the rural areas or in towns that don’t have airports, so that emergency interventions could take place also during nighttime, purchase of communication equipment for the SMURD teams, purchase of various protective equipment, but also the inauguration of a SMURD medical facility in the Danube Delta, that has aquatic intervention vehicles.
We thank you for everything you have done so far, but also for the future support by redirecting 2% of income tax for the SMURD Foundation“