
(2014-2016) The acquisition of a emergency intervention speed boat for the endowment of ISU-SMURD Tulcea

DESCRIPTION: Following an analysis of the existing situation, was underlined the importance of the reduction of the response time and the necessity of enhancement of the intervention capacity and management of the emergency situations in the Tulcea County responsibility area. Also it was underlined the importance of launching a new intervention point in this area (Tulcea).

Nava de interventie rapida SMURD

The medical boat is a high speed watercraft that will be used in order to enhance the intervention activity, complementary along with the already used ships, that have a much lower speed.

The importance of this special endowed watercraft for emergency interventions, concluded in the ISU Tulcea analysis, is offered by the rapid intervention and the efficient management of the emergency situations, in order to rescue and protect the life and health of the population. Thus, the emergency medical service SMURD Tulcea will have the possibility of conducting, in a more efficient manner, rescuing missions, with new watercraft, fully endowed with medical emergency equipment.