
UberSMURD – SMURD Foundation – esential first aid techniques

Pe 7 aprilie, venim la tine in intervalul 12:00-16.00 alaturi de Uber, sa te invatam cateva tehnici esentiale de prim ajutor.

On April 7th , we come to you, between 12: 00-16.00, with Uber , to learn together some essential first aid techniques.

For new users, Uber covers minimum tariff of 30 lei . Take account Uber.com/app with the code PENTRUSMURD and you will benefit of the discount to order UberSMURD . If you already have an account, ask a friend to make his account on Uber and an order.


SMURD Foundation initiative is part of a broader actions to support the work of SMURD and to train the general public about the rules of first aid in order to save as many lives.